Last year, my friend Debbie and I attended Donna Downey's Inspired art retreat in Charlotte, NC for the first time. We were blown away by the entire event, from the level of professionalism, to the variety of classes, and the overall "feeling" of excitement by the attendees.
I was fortunate enough to win a trip for two to Inspired 2011 as the raffle grand prize winner last year. So, Debbie and I made our way back again last month. I can't believe a month has passed since I was meeting new people in Charlotte, and learning that it was to be the "final" Inspired event, at least in this format. Despite the sad feeling, after learning it was to be the final Inspired, we had an even better time than we did in 2010! The atmosphere was laid-back, the classes were wonderful and diverse, and we met lots of new people from all over the country. Our "dynamic duo" became a trio, when we instantly connected with Molly from Atlanta. The three of us are researching venues for next year, looking for that "perfect retreat" that speaks to the three of us and calls our names to get away from our daily lives and become Inspired, once again. If you have any recommendations, please post a comment!

So, what have I done to remain Inspired in the past month? I carry my lovely lunch bag (pictured above) to work with me every day. When I take a break for lunch at my desk, my little recycled tote makes me smile, thinking of Tracie's class. I've also realized that my life has been too crazy this past year and that I need to make more time for creating in my studio. With that in mind, I am moving to a 4-day workweek, giving myself every Friday as studio time. This week was my first week, and while I technically "worked from home" about half of the day, I did manage to spend a good three hours turning one of my Alyssa Burke class canvas pieces into my new art apron!
Today, I packed my art backpack for next week's family vacation, Up North (Michigan). In my pack, I included three encaustic wax books to read in preparation for
Encausticamp 2011, which is next month in Salem, OR. I also included lots of supplies for working on my art journals, so I think my time by the lake in the next two weeks will be well-Inspired.
Live the dream:) Brenda